Township Roads

Of the 110 miles of public roads in Mount Joy Township, 66 miles are owned and maintained by our municipality. 45 miles of roads and highways are maintained by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. Other private streets fall under the responsibility of a private entity such as a homeowners association or developer. Click here to find the responsible party for a particular road.
Township Road Improvement Plan
In 2018, the Township created a five-year improvement plan for the 2019-2023 period with the goal of regularly updating the plan for a five-year outlook. This enables us to keep a full work program for the coming years and leave flexibility in the later years as conditions change. We prepared an update for 2021-2025 in the summer of 2020 to progress the original work plan. An anticipated revenue drop in the early years of the planning period made its preparation a challenge, however, Mount Joy Township is proud to keep our road repair progress moving forward! Click to view or download the 2021-2025 Road Improvement Plan + Budget Spreadsheets.
2024 Road Projects
- Creek Rd (Colebrook Rd – Cold Spring Rd): base repairs & widening
- Cold Spring Rd (Sunnyburn Rd – bridge): base repairs & widening
- Trail Rd N (Harvest Rd – Milton Grove Rd): complete widening, final paving overlay
Recurring Contract Work
- Line Painting
- Spring Street Sweeping
Please remember the following during winter weather conditions:
- Do not place leaves on Township roads, in drainage ditches, or over storm drains. If you have a storm drain in front of your property, please keep it clear of leaves and all debris.
- If you have a basketball net that hangs over any portion of a Township road, please remove it. It is a hazard for passing vehicles, including garbage trucks, delivery trucks and especially snow plows that need to get close to the curbing.
- When snow falls, please be patient. Snow removal takes time. Our crews salt 64 miles and plow 128 lane miles of Township roads. We will do our best to get a plow truck to your street as quickly as possible.
- If you clear your driveway before the street is plowed, do not throw snow into the street. When the snow plow comes by, the snow will inevitably end up back on your property. It is NOT the responsibility of the Township to clear the end of your driveway once the plow has passed through.
- When a snowstorm is forecast, remove all vehicles from Township roads so the entire road can be plowed.
- Snow removal in main arteries will be our first priority, followed by secondary roads and then developments.
- Sidewalks and fire hydrants must be cleared within 24 hours after the end of a snow or ice event.
During a snow emergency, it shall be unlawful for any person to:
- Park a motor vehicle or to allow that vehicle to remain parked anywhere on any snow emergency route. Signs are located along all snow emergency routes.
- To drive any motor vehicle on any such snow emergency route, unless that vehicle is equipped with snow tires or chains.
- To deposit snow or ice on any Township road/street whether or not it has been plowed.
Township Snow Emergency Routes:
- Buckingham Boulevard: Mount Gretna Road to Conoy Avenue
- Campus Road: East College Avenue to Schwanger Road
- Cloverleaf Road: Mount Pleasant Road to Township Line
- Greentree Road: Elizabethtown Road to Cloverleaf Road
- Radio Road: Willow Street to Township Line
- Ridge Road: Campus Road to Greentree Road
- Ridgeview Road: Elizabethtown Road to Ridge Road
- Sheaffer Road: Ridge Road to Schwanger Road
- Schwanger Road: Cloverleaf Road to Anchor Road