Our Township
Mount Joy Township’s roots date back to 1759, shaping our 28-square mile municipality. In the past 250+ years, population growth has expanded outwards from the historical population centers of Elizabethtown Borough and Mount Joy Borough. The U.S. Census Bureau’s 2020 population count for the Township is 10,721.

The 2023 Mount Joy Township municipal tax millage rate is 3.24 mills, which includes 0.90 mills set aside to fund fire protection services provided by four volunteer fire companies. One mill of tax is $1 per $1,000 of a property’s assessed value. This equates to a $648 municipal property tax bill on a property assessed at $200,000. A short history of the tax rate is shown in the chart below (* = County Reassessment year). The 2023 budget is available for download or viewing as a PDF.

INTERESTING FACT: Mount Joy Township is unique amongst the 60 Lancaster County municipalities because we have two school districts in the municipality: Donegal School District and Elizabethtown Area School District. Cloverleaf Road is essentially the dividing line between the two districts. EASD on the west, Donegal on the east.