
Community Development Director/Zoning Officer – Job Opening

Mount Joy Township, a community of approximately 11,000 residents in Northwestern Lancaster County, is accepting resumes for the position of Community Development Director/Zoning Officer. This position reports directly to the Board of Supervisors and Township Manager and partners closely with the Township Engineer, Solicitor and Public.

Duties include administration of the Township’s land development ordinances including Zoning, Stormwater Management and Subdivision and Land Development and will serve as the primary point of contact for developers and property owners regarding construction, permitting, subdivision, conditional use, rezoning and zoning hearing board processes and applications.

This is a full-time salaried position with benefits including health insurance, life insurance, paid time off and pension through the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System. Dental and vision insurance are also offered.

Qualified candidates should possess an overall knowledge of the Second Class Township Code, and comprehensive knowledge of the PA Municipalities Planning Code. Minimum of bachelor’s degree in Geography, Urban and Regional Planning, Public Administration or a related field with a minimum of five years’ experience in a highly responsible Zoning position, preferably in the government sector.

Compensation is dependent upon factors such as education, qualifications, and experience.

Community Development Director & Township Zoning Officer

Mount Joy Township seeks to fill this position immediately. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. For further information, please review the full job description at To apply for this position, please submit a cover letter, resume, and references to Kimberly Kaufman, Township Manager, Mount Joy Township 8853 Elizabethtown Road, Elizabethtown, PA 17022.

Route 230/Cloverleaf Road Shopping Center Project (Pennmark/E-town Mount Joy Assoc., L.P.)

Elizabethtown Mount Joy Associates, L.P. (Pennmark) is proposing the development of a ~111,350-sf. shopping center including vehicular fueling pumps accessory to a convenience store. The 22.12-acre site is generally located at the northeast corner of the Route 230/Cloverleaf Road intersection.

Next Public Meeting:

Special Exception Hearing – Zoning Hearing Board (July 30, 2024 @ 6:00 p.m.) / Draft Minutes

Hearing closed at the July 30, 2024 ZHB meeting. Approval granted 9/4/2024

Exhibits filed at the July 30, 2024 ZHB meeting:

A-1 – Property Deed

A-2 – Zoning Hearing ApplicationCover LetterAddendum

A-3 – Aerial Photo

A-4 – Site Plan

A-5 – Lighting Plan

A-6 – Landscape Plan

A-7 – Mass Transit Consistency Letter

A-8 – Compliance Details

A-9 – Streetscape Details

A-10 – Architectural Elevation

A-11 – Wawa Elevation

A-12 – Aldi Elevation

A-13 – Letter to Zoning Officer Supplementing Application

A-14 – Settlement Agreement & Stipulated Conditions

A-15 – Traffic Impact Study (rev. March 2023)

A-16 – Todd E. Smeigh P.E., C.V.

A-17 – Gregory E. Creasy P.E., C.V.

A-18 – Sewer Service Agreement

A-19 – Water Service Agreement

A-20 – Lancaster Civil Review Letter

July 30, 2024 ZHB Meeting Agenda

Meeting Scheduling Letter

Case #240008 Application

Case #240008 Addendum & Exhibits

Regional Comprehensive Plan Update

Final version of the Regional Comprehensive Plan (PDF) available for download here.  

Public Meeting For the Regional Comprehensive Plan:  6:30 p.m., Tuesday, June 18, 2024 at the Masonic Conference Center Patton Campus (1244 Bainbridge Road, Elizabethtown). Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.

With the help of the Lancaster County Planning Department (LCPD), Mount Joy Township is updating its Comprehensive Plan through a regional planning effort. The 2010 Regional Strategic Plan for Elizabethtown Borough and the Townships of Conoy, Mount Joy, and West Donegal was adopted as our Comprehensive Plan.

The update process was kicked off by rebooting last year’s public opinion survey in early 2023. Redistributing the survey paid off, returning around 360 responses through mid-May as opposed to just 50 received in 2022. You can view the public survey findings summary and survey comments matrix by clicking the links. Notes from the April 12, 2023 Regional Elected Officials Meeting also provide feedback gained from the public at large and elected officials that evening.

LCPD kicked off our region’s process by working with our 2010 Regional Plan and Lancaster County’s Places2040 to create a framework for an implementable comp plan versus an encyclopedic document with an extensive list of tasks to complete. The goal is to identify key strategic issues to explore and develop impactful action items to implement.

2023 Comp Plan Working Documents

Mount Joy Township Update Review Committee 

A local committee has been created to review the draft plan, provide feedback, and develop strategies to implement the key objectives. The committee meetings are scheduled for 6:00-8:00 p.m. in the Public Meeting Room on the following dates:

  • Tuesday, June 6th
  • Wednesday, June 28th
  • Monday, July 31st

EAWA – Rain Barrel Sale

The Elizabethtown Area Water Authority is holding their Annual Rain Barrel Sale now through May 2, 2024 for residents in Elizabethtown Borough, Mount Joy Township and West Donegal Township. The cost is $85.00, and MUST be paid at time of order.  Details are on their website ( under “Special Announcements”. The rain barrel is on display in their lobby.

Mount Joy Township Proposes 2024 Budget

At a special meeting held on November 6, 2023, the Mount Joy Township Board of Supervisors proposed a budget for calendar year 2024 of $5,350,393.70. The budget centers on the provision of core Township services including public safety, road and drainage system maintenance, and parks and recreation. The final 2024 budget is anticipated to be adopted at the December 18, 2023 Board of Supervisors meeting.

Mount Joy Township is proposing no tax increase for 2024.

  • The general revenue rate would remain the same at 2.34 mills.
  • The fire protection tax rate would reman the same at 0.90 mills.

The proposed 3.24-mill rate equates to $3.24 per $1,000 of taxable property value, or $648.00 in annual municipal real estate tax for a property assessed at $200,000.

The proposed budget can be viewed and downloaded here and is available for inspection at the Township Office during office hours. Please visit or call 717-367-8917 to speak with Township Manager Ryan Minnich ( with any questions or comments.

Zoning Ordinance Amendment Petition: General Commercial District (Pennmark)

Ordinance NOT ADOPTED by a 3-2 vote of the Board of Supervisors on January 15, 2024.

Petition to Amend the Zoning Ordinance (rezone 22 acres from C-1 to C-2 General Commercial)

LCPC Comments

Timeline for Proposed Ordinance:

1/15/2024 – Public Hearing Before the Board of Supervisors (scheduled)

12/18/2023 – Public Hearing Before the Board of Supervisors (postponed)

12/4/2023 – Township Planning Commission Review; tabled until 12/20/2023 meeting

10/30/2023 – Petition Accepted by Board of Supervisors

Zoning Hearing Board File – Case #230003 (Elizabethtown Mount Joy Assoc., LP / Pennmark)

The decision to deny the requested variances in Case #230003 was rendered by the Zoning Hearing Board at their Wednesday, October 4, 2023 meeting. You can view the written decision here.

ZHB Case #230003 – Applicant/Landowner: Elizabethtown Mount Joy Associates, L.P. (a.k.a. Elizabethtown Associates, Inc. and Elizabethtown Associates), 1000 Germantown Pike, Suite A-2, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 – Property Information: The site consists of two parcels generally located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Cloverleaf Road and West Main Street: 1) Cloverleaf Road, Mount Joy, PA 17552; Tax Parcel ID #461-00486-0-0000, and 2) W. Main Street, Mount Joy, PA 17552; Tax Parcel ID #461-82176-0-0000; both are within the C-1 Limited Commercial District – Applicant is seeking approval of the following sections of Chapter 135 of the Code of Ordinances of the Township of Mount Joy, i.e. the Mount Joy Township Zoning Ordinance of 2012, as amended: variances of 1) Article XIII, §135-122 to permit a shopping center in the C-1 District, 2) Article XIII, §135-122 to permit vehicular fuel pumps in the C-1 District, 3) Article XXII, §135-256.A(1) to permit a shopping center in excess of 50,000 sf. in the C-1 District, and 4) Article XXII, §135-256.A(3) to permit vehicular fuel pumps in the C-1 District. The applicant desires to develop the site as a retail shopping center.

Case #230003: Elizabethtown Mount Joy Associates, L.P.

Continuance Letter from Applicant


Scheduling Letter for June 7, 2023 Hearing

Applicant’s Exhibit Package Submitted at 6/7/2023 Hearing (A-1 thru A-21)

Applicant Exhibit A-22

July 26, 2023 Meeting Minutes

June 7, 2023 Meeting Minutes

Applicant’s Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law



Letter Amending Application

Addendum to ZHB Application

Exhibit “A” – Deed

Exhibit “B” – Site Plan

Exhibit “C” – Lighting Plan

Exhibit “D” – Landscape Plan

Exhibit “E” – Traffic Study Vol. 1 / Vol. 2

Exhibit “F” – Transportation Details and Design Incentives

Exhibit “G” – Streetscape Details

Exhibit “H” – Aldi Rendering / Shopping Center Rendering

Exhibit “I – Wawa Rendering



Addendum to ZHB Application

Exhibit “A” – Deed

Exhibit “B” – Site Plan

Exhibit “C” – Lighting Plan

Exhibit “D” – Landscape Plan

Exhibit “E” – Traffic Study Vol. 1 / Vol. 2

Exhibit “F” – Transportation Details and Design Incentives

Exhibit “G” – Streetscape Details

Exhibit “H” – Architectural Rendering

Case #230003 Scheduling Letter (3/13/2023)

Improvements to Conewago Trail Crossing at Rt. 743 (Hershey Rd.)

Notice: Work planned to be completed at the Conewago Recreation Trail and SR 0743 (Hershey Road) intersection.

In July 2020, PennDOT conducted a public survey in order to gather input from trail users regarding the safety concerns at the SR 0743/Conewago Recreational Trail Crossing.

Approximately 1/3 of trail users responded that when utilizing the trail, they do not continue across SR 0743.  More than 75% of these users cited safety concerns as their reason for not continuing through the crossing.  Regarding trail access at this location, users indicated that their main concern was a lack of available and safe parking, especially along SR 0743.

A study was then completed by PennDOT in order to identify potential treatment options associated with the SR 0743 / Conewago Recreation Trail crossing. , A study presentation, summary report, and public comment form were posted to the PennDOT District 8-0 project Public Meeting Page following completion of the survey.  The documents presented three (3) treatment options, including improved signage, post-mounted flashing beacons, and overhead flashing beacons, to address the concerns identified by survey respondents. 

One-hundred and forty-eight (148) responses were received with respect to the treatment options, with the overhead flashing beacon being the preferred improvement.  The three (3) treatment options, along with the results of the study and the survey, were then presented to Lancaster County and Mount Joy Township.  PennDOT secured funding through their Multimodal Transportation Fund in order to proceed with the design and construction of the preferred alternative: the overhead flashing beacon. 

In 2022, PennDOT began work with the project engineering team to finalize construction plans and obtain project-specific clearances and permits.  During the course of the design process, additional traffic data was collected and a signal warrant analysis with more recent information was conducted.  The warrant analysis concluded that overhead flashing beacons proposed in the original study were no longer sufficient and that the trail crossing of SR 0743 warrants full traffic signals.

As a result of the additional study and design work, the intersection improvements now include new traffic signals, signs, and pavement markings.  The traffic signals will be used to stop oncoming traffic after the signal has been triggered by approaching trail users so that they may cross safely. Trail users will activate the signal via automatic detection sensors or by manually pressing push button activators.  Advanced warning signs will be installed along the SR 0743 approaches to alert motorists to the trail crossing.  In addition to the signal installation, the trail will be reconstructed and paved with asphalt on both sides of SR 0743 to provide level areas near the roadway. 

Work is scheduled to begin in Late Summer 2023 and will be conducted during nighttime hours.  The trail will be open for use during regular daytime hours.

The conceptual plans can be viewed at this link.

Feedback on the proposed design can be submitted here: 

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