Regional Comprehensive Plan Update

Final version of the Regional Comprehensive Plan (PDF) available for download here.  

Public Meeting For the Regional Comprehensive Plan:  6:30 p.m., Tuesday, June 18, 2024 at the Masonic Conference Center Patton Campus (1244 Bainbridge Road, Elizabethtown). Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.

With the help of the Lancaster County Planning Department (LCPD), Mount Joy Township is updating its Comprehensive Plan through a regional planning effort. The 2010 Regional Strategic Plan for Elizabethtown Borough and the Townships of Conoy, Mount Joy, and West Donegal was adopted as our Comprehensive Plan.

The update process was kicked off by rebooting last year’s public opinion survey in early 2023. Redistributing the survey paid off, returning around 360 responses through mid-May as opposed to just 50 received in 2022. You can view the public survey findings summary and survey comments matrix by clicking the links. Notes from the April 12, 2023 Regional Elected Officials Meeting also provide feedback gained from the public at large and elected officials that evening.

LCPD kicked off our region’s process by working with our 2010 Regional Plan and Lancaster County’s Places2040 to create a framework for an implementable comp plan versus an encyclopedic document with an extensive list of tasks to complete. The goal is to identify key strategic issues to explore and develop impactful action items to implement.

2023 Comp Plan Working Documents

Mount Joy Township Update Review Committee 

A local committee has been created to review the draft plan, provide feedback, and develop strategies to implement the key objectives. The committee meetings are scheduled for 6:00-8:00 p.m. in the Public Meeting Room on the following dates:

  • Tuesday, June 6th
  • Wednesday, June 28th
  • Monday, July 31st
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