
Route 230/Cloverleaf Road Shopping Center Project (Pennmark/E-town Mount Joy Assoc., L.P.)

Elizabethtown Mount Joy Associates, L.P. (Pennmark) is proposing the development of a ~111,350-sf. shopping center including vehicular fueling pumps accessory to a convenience store. The 22.12-acre site is generally located at the northeast corner of the Route 230/Cloverleaf Road intersection.

Next Public Meeting:

Special Exception Hearing – Zoning Hearing Board (July 30, 2024 @ 6:00 p.m.) / Draft Minutes

Hearing closed at the July 30, 2024 ZHB meeting. Approval granted 9/4/2024

Exhibits filed at the July 30, 2024 ZHB meeting:

A-1 – Property Deed

A-2 – Zoning Hearing ApplicationCover LetterAddendum

A-3 – Aerial Photo

A-4 – Site Plan

A-5 – Lighting Plan

A-6 – Landscape Plan

A-7 – Mass Transit Consistency Letter

A-8 – Compliance Details

A-9 – Streetscape Details

A-10 – Architectural Elevation

A-11 – Wawa Elevation

A-12 – Aldi Elevation

A-13 – Letter to Zoning Officer Supplementing Application

A-14 – Settlement Agreement & Stipulated Conditions

A-15 – Traffic Impact Study (rev. March 2023)

A-16 – Todd E. Smeigh P.E., C.V.

A-17 – Gregory E. Creasy P.E., C.V.

A-18 – Sewer Service Agreement

A-19 – Water Service Agreement

A-20 – Lancaster Civil Review Letter

July 30, 2024 ZHB Meeting Agenda

Meeting Scheduling Letter

Case #240008 Application

Case #240008 Addendum & Exhibits

A picture of an ambulance with MESA branding.

Municipal Emergency Services Authority of Lancaster County to Begin Providing 911 EMS Ambulance Service

Publicly funded municipal authority to replace Northwest EMS

After a two-year process of study, public meetings and planning, the Municipal Emergency Services Authority of Lancaster County (MESA; pronounced māy-sah) on Feb. 4 will begin providing 911 emergency medical ambulances services in Northwest Lancaster County previously provided by Northwest EMS. MESA is a first-of-its-kind regional municipal authority in Pennsylvania formed to address the region’s emergency medical services crisis.

Like so many EMS agencies, Northwest EMS was facing insolvency due to insufficient revenue and rising costs. MESA is a new publicly funded municipal authority formed to replace Northwest EMS and ensure that 911 ambulance service is available to member municipalities on a sustainable basis. MESA’s founding member municipalities are Conoy Township, East Donegal Township, Elizabethtown Borough, Marietta Borough, Mount Joy Township and West Donegal Township.

“Municipalities are responsible for many things including recreation facilities, police services, stormwater management and snow removal to name a few,” said MESA Board Chair Debra Dupler. “In Pennsylvania, municipalities are also required by law to ensure the provision of emergency medical services. In the tradition of Northwest EMS, MESA looks forward to continuing to provide outstanding 911 EMS service and 24/7 readiness to respond to EMS calls in the region.”

Unlike ambulance agencies that generate revenue through voluntary contributions, which leaves them deeply underfunded, MESA will charge property owners and employers in member municipalities a mandatory annual fee to fund its operations and ensure 24/7 readiness to respond to EMS calls. The first annual fee bills to property owners and employers will be arriving by mail in mid-February.

Benefits to residents of MESA member municipalities include: No residual bills for EMS services if the patient’s insurance pays; 50 percent off EMS bills if the patient does not have insurance coverage; and 50 percent off EMS bills if the patient’s payment applies to an insurance deductible.

“Northwest EMS is tremendously grateful for the community’s partnership through the years,” said Scott Kingsboro, authority manager for MESA and formerly executive director of Northwest EMS. “We look forward to serving the community with the same outstanding service for which Northwest EMS is known as we proudly wear a new uniform. And just as it was for Northwest EMS, health and safety education and community outreach events will continue to be an important part of our mission.”

For more information about MESA including frequently asked questions, visit

Mount Joy Township Proposes 2024 Budget

At a special meeting held on November 6, 2023, the Mount Joy Township Board of Supervisors proposed a budget for calendar year 2024 of $5,350,393.70. The budget centers on the provision of core Township services including public safety, road and drainage system maintenance, and parks and recreation. The final 2024 budget is anticipated to be adopted at the December 18, 2023 Board of Supervisors meeting.

Mount Joy Township is proposing no tax increase for 2024.

  • The general revenue rate would remain the same at 2.34 mills.
  • The fire protection tax rate would reman the same at 0.90 mills.

The proposed 3.24-mill rate equates to $3.24 per $1,000 of taxable property value, or $648.00 in annual municipal real estate tax for a property assessed at $200,000.

The proposed budget can be viewed and downloaded here and is available for inspection at the Township Office during office hours. Please visit or call 717-367-8917 to speak with Township Manager Ryan Minnich ( with any questions or comments.

Zoning Ordinance Amendment Petition: General Commercial District (Pennmark)

Ordinance NOT ADOPTED by a 3-2 vote of the Board of Supervisors on January 15, 2024.

Petition to Amend the Zoning Ordinance (rezone 22 acres from C-1 to C-2 General Commercial)

LCPC Comments

Timeline for Proposed Ordinance:

1/15/2024 – Public Hearing Before the Board of Supervisors (scheduled)

12/18/2023 – Public Hearing Before the Board of Supervisors (postponed)

12/4/2023 – Township Planning Commission Review; tabled until 12/20/2023 meeting

10/30/2023 – Petition Accepted by Board of Supervisors

Panattoni Warehouse #1 – Zoning Hearing File

Case #230001 Application

ZHB Written Decision (7/13/2023)

Case #230001 Scheduling Letter for 1/17/2023 HearingProof of Publication

Case #230001 Scheduling Letter for 2/15/2023 HearingProof of Publication

Case #230001 Scheduling Letter for 3/9/2023 HearingProof of Publication

Case #230001 Scheduling Letting for 7/13/2023 MeetingProof of Publication

Traffic Report / Landscaping & Lighting / Building Rendering / Building Elevations

Applicant’s Exhibits Submitted at 1/17/2023 Hearing

Exhibit Myers-1 Submitted at 2/15/2023 Hearing

Exhibit Myers-2 Submitted at 3/9/2023 Hearing

Exhibit Myers-3 Submitted at 3/9/2023 Hearing

Exhibit Myers-4 Submitted at 3/9/2023 Hearing

Exhibit Myers-5 Submitted at 3/9/2023 Hearing

Exhibit Myers-6 Submitted at 3/9/2023 Hearing

Exhibit Myers-7 Submitted at 3/9/2023 Hearing

Exhibit Bucher-1 Submitted at 2/15/2023 Hearing

Exhibit Sollenberger-1 Submitted at 3/9/2023 Hearing

Exhibit Bucher-2 Submitted at 4/18/2023 Hearing

Exhibit Thompson-1 Submitted at 4/18/2023 Hearing

Exhibit Thompson-2 Submitted at 4/18/2023 Hearing

Exhibit Thompson-3 Submitted at 4/18/2023 Hearing

Exhibit Thompson-4 Submitted at 4/18/2023 Hearing

Exhibit Stevens-1 Submitted at 4/18/2023 Hearing

Exhibit Stevens-2 Submitted at 4/18/2023 Hearing

Exhibit Stevens-3 Submitted at 4/18/2023 Hearing

Exhibit Stevens-4 Submitted at 4/18/2023 Hearing

Exhibit Stevens-5 Submitted at 4/18/2023 Hearing

Exhibit Haines-1 Submitted at 4/27/2023 Hearing

Exhibit A-14 Submitted at 4/27/2023 Hearing

Exhibit A-15 Submitted at 4/27/2023 Hearing

Exhibit A-16 Submitted at 4/27/2023 Hearing

Approved Minutes of the 1/17/2023 Hearing

Approved Minutes of the 2/15/2023 Hearing

Approved Minutes of the 3/9/2023 Hearing

Approved Minutes of the 4/18/2023 Hearing

DRAFT Minutes of the 4/27/2023 Hearing

Party Filings After Closure of the Hearing:

Applicant – Findings of Fact

MJT – Findings of Fact / Memorandum of Law

Myers – Findings of Fact

The Mount Joy Township Zoning Hearing Board will hold a special public meeting on Thursday, July 13, 2023 at 6:00 P.M., prevailing time, at The Young Center For Anabaptist Studies on the Elizabethtown College campus, One Alpha Drive, Elizabethtown, PA 17022 (GPS Address of the Young Center: 400 Campus Road, Elizabethtown, PA 17022), to render a decision on the following application, which follows the close of all testimony and public comment at the Thursday, April 27, 2023 hearing. The public is cordially invited to attend the meeting.  No further testimony, argument, or public comment shall take place at this special meeting.  Persons with disabilities who require any auxiliary aid, service, or other accommodation to observe should contact the Township Office at least five days before the above date to discuss how your needs may be best accommodated. 

ZHB Case #230001 – Applicant: PDC Northeast LPIV, LLC, 2442 Dupont Drive, Irvine, CA 92612 – Landowner: Franklin B. Greiner, Jr., 1650 Steel Way, Mount Joy, PA 17552 – Property Information: Tax Parcel ID #461-89922-0-0000, located at 2843 Mount Pleasant Road, Mount Joy, PA 17552 and within the LI, Light Industrial District – Applicant is seeking approval of the following section of Chapter 135 of the Code of Ordinances of the Township of Mount Joy, i.e. the Mount Joy Township Zoning Ordinance of 2012, as amended: special exceptions pursuant to Article XVII, §135-163.B & §135-163.C to permit an industrial use on the subject property. The applicant desires to construct a 1,006,880-sf. warehouse and associated improvements.

Zoning Ordinance Amendment Petition: General Industrial District/Warehouses (Panattoni)

Petition to Amend the Zoning Ordinance – Warehouses/Panattoni – GI District

Revised Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Ordinance, as submitted by applicant (dated 11/29/2022)

Zoning Hearing Board application (NOTE: hearing moved from 1/4/2023 to 1/17/2023)


1/23/2023 – Planning Commission initial view of proposed building #1

1/25/2023 – Board of Supervisors Public Hearing for proposed ordinance (6:30 P.M. at the EASD Middle School Auditorium – 600 E. High St.)

1/17/2023 – Zoning Hearing for proposed warehouse at 2843 Mount Pleasant Road (6:00 P.M. at the EASD Middle School Auditorium – 600 E. High St.)

12/5/2022 – Planning Commission review of proposed ordinance (7:00 P.M. at the EASD Middle School Auditorium – 600 E. High St.)

11/28/2022 – Planning Commission meeting RESCHEDULED TO DEC. 5 @ 7:00 P.M.

10/17/2022 – Board of Supervisors accepted petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance

Conceptual site plan submitted with zoning petition.

EMS Crisis Calls for Local Solution

Municipalities in Pennsylvania are responsible for many things – parks and recreation facilities, police services, snow removal and stormwater management to name a few. But did you know that municipalities are also required by state law to ensure the provision of emergency medical services? They are. And EMS services in our community, and our region, are in jeopardy.


The Local EMS Crisis

 EMS services in our community are provided by Northwest EMS, a non-profit organization. Northwest EMS was recognized in 2020 as the Pennsylvania EMS Agency of the Year, awarded by the Pennsylvania Emergency Health Services Council and the Pennsylvania Department of Health. Unfortunately, however, the organization’s future is at risk. Why? Insufficient revenue from subscriptions, municipal contributions and insurance reimbursements, combined with rising costs.

Northwest EMS has operated at a deficit for the past six years. These deficits have been covered by proceeds from the organization’s investments, but those investments continue to decline. The expected deficit for 2022 is over $500,000. Unless this crisis is addressed, Northwest EMS will be insolvent in a few years.

Northwest EMS is not alone. This is a state-wide crisis and other areas of the state are faced with losing essential emergency services, or facing reductions in service and long wait times, for what could be life-or-death situations.


The Local Solution

Municipal leaders in the region and Northwest EMS’ Board of Directors have been meeting since 2018 to confront this crisis. At the start of 2021, a committee of municipal leaders and Northwest EMS leaders began studying the situation in earnest and exploring alternatives.

The committee is proposing the creation of a regional Emergency Services Authority to address the challenges that jeopardize essential emergency services in our community and fulfill the statutory requirement for municipalities to provide EMS services with more fiscal stability. As a collaboration among municipalities, the Authority would provide emergency medical services and EMS administrative support to municipalities throughout its service area. It is believed to be the best step forward, and the most fiscally responsible option, to ensure that EMS services continue to be available, potentially saving your life or the life of your loved one.


Community Funded

As proposed, the authority creates an opportunity to replace municipal contributions and membership contributions with a reasonable and uniform annual fee to property owners, on par with today’s Northwest EMS subscription rates.

The annual fee is estimated to be between $70-$85 per residential housing unit (or $6-7 per month). Separate tiers would be set for commercial and institutional properties.

Founding municipalities would each have representation on the Authority’s Board, which once incorporated will be responsible for determining the actual fees. The Authority would advertise and hold public hearings to allow the community to have a voice on proposed services and rates. The community will then continue to have a voice in the Authority, even after it is formed.


EMS Services You’ll Receive

What would you receive from the regional Emergency Services Authority?

  • Readiness to answer calls if emergency medical services are needed
  • No residual bills for EMS services if your insurance pays toward an ambulance bill
  • 50% off your ambulance bill if you have no insurance or if your entire bill goes toward your insurance deductible

The regional Emergency Services Authority would become the new entity to provide EMS in our community. The Authority would consist of the same outstanding people and deliver the same outstanding service for which Northwest EMS is known.


Learn More and Support EMS

Municipalities that have passed resolutions indicating interest in exploring and possibly joining the regional Emergency Services Authority are Clay Township, Conewago Township, Conoy Township, East Donegal Township, Elizabethtown Borough, Elizabeth Township, Manheim Borough, Marietta Borough, Mount Joy Township, Penn Township, Rapho Township and West Donegal Township.

While the EMS crisis and proposed regional Emergency Services Authority has been discussed at numerous public meetings and reported in local news media, you are encouraged to learn more by visiting There you’ll find frequently asked questions and an anticipated timeline.

Based on the current timeline for the proposed Authority, the earliest EMS services would transition from Northwest EMS to the new Authority is the start of 2024. Northwest EMS will continue to provide EMS services to our community in 2023 and will be conducting its annual subscription campaign this fall to help fund its operations for the year. Please watch your mailbox for Northwest EMS’s subscription mailer and consider subscribing for 2023.

EMS is an essential public service. It is essential that, as a community, we ensure that emergency services continue to be ready and available to answer the call.

2022 Budget Adopted

The 2022 Mount Joy Township budget was adopted by the Board of Supervisors with NO tax increase. The General Fund tax millage remains at 2.04 mills and the Fire Protection Tax Fund remains at 0.7 mills for a total millage of 2.74 mills.

Should you have any questions on the 2022 budget, please feel free to contact Township Manager Justin Evans at or 717-367-8917.

2022 Township Budget


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